Saucisse vodka cuite à la poêle


1 x large sweet onion

1 jar Yo Mama’s Vodka Sauce

4 x large Italian sausages

1 tsp salt

1 tsp black pepper

Garnish: ½ tsp black pepper



  1. Slice a large sweet onion into rings and set aside
  2. In a greased 12” cast iron skillet, pour ¾ of a jar of Yo Mama’s Vodka Sauce and spread evenly throughout the skillet
  3. Add in the Italian sausages and onion rings 
  4. Season with salt and pepper and pour in the remaining Yo Mama’s Vodka Sauce
  5. Bake at 400F for 25-30 minutes 
  6. Out of the oven, slice sausages and season with more pepper 
  7. Enjoy!