Feuilletés d'asperges et proscuitto au vin Chianti


225g puff pastry 

6 tbsp Yo Mama’s Chianti Wine Sauce

18 asparagus stems

6 slices prosciutto 

⅓ cup shredded mozzarella cheese



  1. Slice puff pastry into 6 equal rectangles
  2. Place 1 tbsp of Yo Mama’s Chianti Wine sauce in the centre of each pastry
  3. To the pastry, add 3 asparagus stems, a slice of prosciutto and 1.5 tbsp shredded mozzarella 
  4. Roll the puff pastry and fillings horizontally until the filling is secure in the pastry
  5. Place on a baking tray and bake at 425F for 40 minutes
  6. Out of the oven, slice and enjoy!