Chips et salsa Ghost


2 x medium tortillas

Olive oil spray

½ tsp salt

½ cup grape tomatoes

⅓ cup chopped cilantro

½ lime

1 cup Yo Mama’s Spicy Marinara Sauce

⅓ cup chopped onion



  1. Using a ghost cookie cutter, punch out 6 ghosts from 2 tortillas 
  2. Place the ghosts onto a baking tray and spray with olive oil and season with salt 
  3. Air Fry at 350F for 5-8 minutes or until golden
  4. While the tortillas are in the air fryer, slice the tomatoes into small pieces, roughly chop the cilantro, and slice the lime into quarters. Set aside
  5. Pour 1 cup of Yo Mama’s Spicy Marinara into a medium bowl and add in the onion, tomatoes and cilantro. Mix thoroughly
  6. Squeeze juice from ¼ of a lime into the mixture 
  7. Remove the ghost tortillas from the air fryer and place on a serving plate
  8. Place the sauce onto the plate and garnish with lime 
  9. Dip the chips into the sauce and enjoy! 


Best served fresh.